Seminars trainings
Our expert, attorney-at-law Anneli Aab has disclosed her thoughts and tips on interpretation of procurement documents, disputes in procurement matters and restrictions on amending procurement contracts.
Read moreThe 26th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot took place in Vienna before Easter. The pre-moot conference focused on the topic of „Costs and Damages in International Arbitration“ and a new book entitled „Finances in International Arbitration. Liber Amicorum Patricia Shaughnessy“ was presented.
Read moreOn 4 April 2019, a seminar organised by OÜ Mõttemaru took place in Tartu where partner Tambet Laasik gave a lecture to education leaders about legal remedies for teachers in cases of their ill-treatment by children and parents.
Read moreOn 3 April 2019, accounting news magazine Raamatupidamisuudised is organising a seminar where senior associate Jaak Siim is giving a lecture on „Surveillance activities of tax auditors and secret cooperation“.
Read moreOn 11 December 2018, training firm Addenda is organising a web seminar „New provisions of regulation for construction tenders“ where Britta Oltjer is providing an overview of the regulation regarding payment suspension established for the protection of sub-contractors.
Read moreOn 6 December 2018, training firm Addenda is organising a seminar „Allowed and unallowed terms for amending procurement contracts“. Lecturers are partner Britta Oltjer and associate Karin Ploom who explain the difference between a procurement contract and a common contract that is based on the law of obligations.
Read moreOn 28 November 2018, Estonian Training and Conference Centre is organising a seminar „Construction tenders – how to avoid mistakes and what is recent case law“.
Read moreOn 22 November 2018, Tartu branch of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is organising a seminar „Conclusion, amendment and termination of tender“ where procurement specialists Britta Oltjer and Karin Ploom are introducing the topic of procurement contracts to business managers.
Read moreOn 26 November 2018, partner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv is giving a lecture „ Amendments in Tax Law 2019“ at the seminar organised by accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read moreOn 22 November 2018, Tartu office of LEADELL Pilv will organise a seminar where procurement specialists - senior associate Britta Oltjer and associate Karin Ploom introduce the topic of procurement contracts to business managers.
Read moreOn 26 October 2018, partner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv is giving a lecture „ Amendments to Income Tax Act – new rules against tax avoidance practices“ at the seminar organised by accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read moreOn 24 May 2018, the annual conference Helsinki International Arbitration Day took place in Helsinki, Finland. LEADELL Pilv Law Office was represented by partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere.
Read moreOn 25 April 2018, Aivar Pilv and Tambet Laasik joined for a meeting with students from the faculty of law at the University of Tartu. Aivar Pilv described the changes and development of the lawyer’s profession within last decades and Tambet Laasik introduced the basics of competition law.
Read moreJaak Siim introducing possibilities to optimise taxes to Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
17.04.2018 LEADELLOn 18 April 2018, partner and senior associate Jaak Siim is giving a lecture „Optimising taxes in 2018“ at the seminar organised by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere lecturing to Estonian Bar Association and University of Tartu
09.04.2018 LEADELLPirkka-Marja Põldvere gave lecture to the members of the Estonian Bar Association on the topic of arbitration, independence and impartiality of arbitrators and the Estonian Supreme Court practice. In her lecture Pirkka-Marja Põldvere analysed the benefits of arbitration in comparison to national court proceedings.
Read moreOn 22 March 2018, partner and senior associate Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is giving a lecture at the seminar „How to survive tax audit“ organised by the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read moreOn 15 March 2018, senior associates Jaak Siim and Lada Riisna of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office are lecturing at the seminar „Cryptocurrency – pros, cons and taxation“ organised by the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read moreOn 7 March 2018, partner and senior associate Jaak Siim is giving a lecture at the seminar „Optimizing of taxes in 2018“ organised by the Estonian Training and Conference Centre.
Read moreSenior associate Lada Riisna, head of Banking and Finance and M&A of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office, gave a lecture “Cryptocurrencies & tokens - what does the law say about them?“ and presented the Estonian legal framework on cryptocurrencies at the International Seminar on Cryptocurrencies and Tokens.
Read moreTambet Laasik, partner and senior associate of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office, was lecturing on the topic of „Legal bases of doctor’s liability“ at the seminar organised by medical company GlaxoSmithKline Eesti OÜ.
Read moreSenior Associate Lada Riisna is attending the international forum on innovative financial technologies FinTech 2017 today in Tallinn. Fintech and digital market experts are more optimistic than ever that there will be a truly digital single market for the European financial sector in the future.
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere, partner and senior associate of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office, is today giving a lecture „Transactions of board member with oneself – what is allowed and what is not?“ at the finance and accounting conference FinantsTreff 2017.
Read moreOn 31 October 2017 Britta Oltjer, senior associate and partner of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office, gave a lecture at the Estonian annual event „Public procurement conference – new directions“. Britta Oltjer introduced the amendments regarding the regulation on changing procurement contracts.
Read moreOn 2 November 2017 Jaak Siim is giving a lecture at the seminar „Seven mortal sins of today’s email”. Jaak Siim is introducing the legal meaning of electronic correspondence and related liability.
Read moreMorning Business Seminar about management board member’s liability and money laundering rules
24.10.2017 LEADELLOn 31 October 2017 the LEADELL Pilv Law Office, Swedbank, Swedish Chamber of Commerce and British Estonian Chamber of Commerce are holding a joint seminar on recent cases in the Estonian Supreme Court related to the liability and fees of management board members, and the new EU Anti Money...
Read moreOn 26 October 2017 the Nordic Tax Conference is taking place in Tallinn where Jaak Siim, attorney-at-law and partner of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is presenting an overview on the Finnish tax system to the Estonian entrepreneurs.
Read moreThis morning LEADELL Pilv Law Office has invited our clients to morning coffee to speak about the forthcoming data protection reform. Problems related to the protection of personal data are introduced at the seminar and the following questions are answered: how to prepare for the data protection reform starting...
Read moreOn 9 November 2017 the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised is organising the seminar „Dangerous company car – new taxation rules“ where lecture is given by partner and senior associate Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office.
Read moreOn 11 October 2017 a seminar introducing the new Public Procurement Act is organised by training firm where among other procurement experts also partner and senior associate Britta Oltjer of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is giving a lecture.
Read moreOn 21-22 September 2017, the annual accounting conference is taking place in Pärnu, Estonia where Senior Associate Anneli Aab is introducing changes with regard to the Estonian data protection reform in 2018.
Read moreOn 18 October 2017 the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised is organising the seminar „Tax Amendments 2018“ where lecture is given by partner and senior associate Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office.
Read moreOn 14 June 2017 the medical law seminar of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office took place at the Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla. The seminar was organised for the members of the Estonian Union of Doctors who were provided legal advice on situations and consequences related to medical liability which should be...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Tambet Laasik explained to doctors of Tartu the legal basis of their liability
13.06.2017 LEADELLOn 12 June 2017 attorney-at-law Tambet Laasik gave a lecture on a seminar arranged by pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline Eesti OÜ in Tartu, Estonia. Pulmonary doctors were invited to the seminar. The lecture of Tambet Laasik was entitled „Legal basis of doctor’s liability“ and focused on the legal relations between doctors...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv organising medical law seminar to members of the Estonian Union of Doctors
26.05.2017 LEADELLThe seminar is taking place on 14 June 2017 at the Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla in Tallinn. The aim of the seminar is to share advice and legal guidance on situations and consequences related to medical liability that should be considered by doctors in their daily work. The general principles of doctor’s...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere attending international arbitration conferences
18.05.2017 LEADELLAttorney-at-law and partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office as one of the best arbitration specialists in Estonia is attending two arbitration events this week.
Read morePartner Jaak Siim giving lecture „How much and how should accountant communicate if tax audit enters the company?“ at the Conference of Estonian Accountants
27.04.2017 LEADELLToday, on 27 April 2017 the „Conference of Estonian Accountants: Spring Mission 2017“ is taking place in Tallinn, Estonia. Partner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv is giving a lecture „How much and how should accountant communicate if tax audit enters the company?“ at the conference.
Read moreAttorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere attending International Commercial Arbitration Moot as arbitrator
10.04.2017 LEADELLOn 7-13 April 2017 the 24th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot is taking place in Vienna, Austria. Attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is attending the Moot as arbitrator already for the 7th time.
Read moreAttorney-at-law Tambet Laasik trained the Union of the Quality of Baltic Social Services
29.03.2017 LEADELLOn 28 March 2017, attorney-at-law Tambet Laasik gave a lecture to NGO Union of the Quality of Baltic Social Services on the legal aspects of providing social welfare services.
Read moreSeminar by LEADELL Pilv Law Office and accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised
27.02.2017 LEADELLOn 30 March 2017 the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised in cooperation with partners Britta Oltjer and Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office are organising an informative seminar "Tax, civil and criminal liability of board member and accountant".
Read moreLegal seminar with the topic “Law changes of 2017 in the construction sector“will be held in Bliss Conference Hall on 26 January 2017. It will be discussed in detail, what changes came into force or are about to come, and how is it possible to accomplish one’s work tasks with...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv Law Office is continuing its long-term cooperation with the Rocca al Mare School also this year. Attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste is giving a series of lectures of „Basis of Law“. It is a selective course for the pupils of Rocca al Mare School in grades 10-12 to provide...
Read moreArticle from the lecture „Draft Public Procurement Act, new requirements for tenderer“ by attorney-at-law Britta Oltjer
07.12.2016 LEADELLRead more about the lecture „Draft Public Procurement Act, new requirements for tenderer“ given by attorney-at-law Britta Oltjer at the conference „Eesti Ehituskonverents 2016“ from
Read moreLecture by attorney-at-law Britta Oltjer at construction conference „Eesti Ehituskonverents 2016“
06.12.2016 LEADELLOn 6 December 2016 attorney-at-law Britta Oltjer gave a lecture „Draft Public Procurement Act, new requirements for tenderer“ at the construction conference „Eesti Ehituskonverents 2016“. Since the new Public Procurement Act is significantly extending the regulation for changing procurement contracts, the presentation gives an overview of the amendments of...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Jaak Siim attending seminar “Seven mortal sins of today’s email!”
06.12.2016 LEADELLOn 7 December 2016 attorney-at-law Jaak Siim is giving a lecture at the training seminar " Seven mortal sins of today’s email!". The lecture of Jaak Siim is covering the legal meaning of e-correspondence, related regulation and case-law.
Read moreOn 18 November 2016 the Tartu branch of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is celebrating its 20th anniversary and the creation of the new trademark LEADELL. Informative seminar and gathering will take place at the Dorpat Conference Centre in Tartu, Estonia.
Read moreOn 3 November 2016 attorney-at-law Britta Oltjer will have a presentation „Possibilities to change procurement contract in the light of new law“ at the public procurement conference „Possibilities and challenges 2017“ taking place in Tallinn. Britta Oltjer will provide an overview on the recent law amendments, and whether or...
Read moreOn 25 October 2016 attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste from the LEADELL Pilv Law Office will give a presentation at the conference FinantsTreff 2016 taking place in Tallinn, Estonia. The presentation “Home Office – enterprise or fringe benefit” will provide a compact overview on the problems regarding income tax and value...
Read moreOn 6-7 October 2016 partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is attending the Nordic Business Forum 2016 in Helsinki. The main topics of the conference are digitalization, culture and marketing. LEADELL Pilv Law Office is valuing innovation, at the same time ensuring reliable legal aid. We are always seeking for possibilities to...
Read moreDear clients and cooperation partners. Hereby we are inviting you to attend the seminar „Public procurements into new era?“ organised by LEADELL Pilv Law Office and business daily Äripäev on 12 October 2016 at the Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia.
Read moreOn 12 October 2016 attorneys at law Britta Oltjer, Jaak Siim, Epp Lumiste and Anneli Aab will attend the Public Procurement Seminar 2016 taking place in Tallinn. Additionally Taivo Kivistik, Head of the Appeal Committee of Public Procurements and Veiko Pärlin, Head of the procurement department of Nordecon AS will give lectures at the seminar....
Read morePartner/attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere successfully passed the training course „Web seminar: Incoterms basic course for specialist“ organised by ICC Estonia and included in the curriculum “Foreign Trading, Shipping and Logistics” of the Estonian School of Business Managers. By completing the seminar, Pirkka-Marja Põldvere updated her previous knowledge on international trade. The seminar...
Read moreBritta Oltjer attended conference on public procurement “Riigihangete Treff 2016“ as lecturer
31.05.2016 LEADELLOn 31 May 2016 the main event in the field of Estonian public procurements – conference “Riigihangete Treff 2016” – was held where acknowledged lawyers analysed recent changes in the area of public procurements. Attorney-at-law Britta Oltjer from the Aivar Pilv Law Office had a presentation „Possibilities for amending procurement...
Read moreOn 7 April 2016 the Estonian Occupational Health Conference entitled “Health caring work environment” is taking place at the Nordic Hotel Forum where partner/attorney-at-law Jaak Siim of the Aivar Pilv Law Office is attending as lecturer. Jaak Siim is making a presentation „Costs regarding healthcare – when fringe benefits...
Read moreHereby we are inviting you to the seminar „Recent tax amendments 2016“ organised by the Aivar Pilv Law Office. Attorneys-at-law Jaak Siim and Epp Lumiste from the tax law workgroup of the law office introduce the most recent amendments in tax law, court practice in taxation and the guideline...
Read moreDear client and cooperation partner, Hereby we are inviting you to attend the seminar “Most recent tax amendments 2016” organised by the Aivar Pilv Law Office. At the seminar attorneys-at-law Jaak Siim and Epp Lumiste from the tax law workgroup introduce the most recent amendments in tax law, court...
Read moreOn 14 January 2016 the Aivar Pilv Law Office in cooperation with Raamatupidamisuudised (Accounting News) shall organise a seminar „Tax amendments 2016“ where Jaak Siim, attorney-at-law and partner of the Aivar Pilv Law Office will be the lecturer. The seminar will provide a thorough overview of the amendments entering...
Read moreEpp Lumiste compiled a chapter to the annual report of the Estonian Centre for Human Rights
14.12.2015 LEADELLAt the beginning of December 2015, the Estonian Centre for Human Rights published the annual report „Human Rights in Estonia 2014-2015” covering the most important developments of the last two years in Estonia regarding human rights. Attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste of the Aivar Pilv Law Office compiled a chapter to...
Read moreSince 2013 Aivar Pilv Law Office has arranged a series of client events „Morning Coffee at Law Firm“, inviting clients to hear short presentations on topical legal issues. On 19 November 2015 another morning coffee took place in the Tallinn department of the Aivar Pilv Law Office to discuss...
Read moreSince 2013 Aivar Pilv Law Office has arranged a series of client events „Morning Coffee at Law Firm“, inviting clients to hear short presentations on topical legal issues. On 5 November 2015 another morning coffee took place in the Tartu department of the Aivar Pilv Law Office in order...
Read moreAivar Pilv was speaking at the annual conference of Estonian accountants „Teejuht 2016. aastaks“
28.10.2015 LEADELLOn 26 October 2015 Aivar Pilv, the main partner of Aivar Pilv Law Office was giving a speech at the conference „Teejuht 2016. aastaks“ regarding the amendments of Corporate Law. „Teejuht 2016. aastaks“ is a leading annual event of the financial area, explaining Estonian laws and the respective amendments that will...
Read moreOn 24 November 2015 the Aivar Pilv Law Office in cooperation with accounting magazine Raamatupidamisuudised organised a seminar regarding private limited companies where attorney-at-law and partner Jaak Siim participated as a lecturer. Recently the Estonian Supreme Court made some long-waited decisions regarding the topical issues of whether and...
Read moreConference „Commercial Code 20: experiences and possibilities for the development of Estonian and European corporate law“
22.10.2015 LEADELLOn 22-23 October 2015 attorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv, Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, Urmas Kõrgesaar and attorney Karin Ploom attended the academic conference „Commercial Code 20“ in Tartu, Estonia. 20 years ago the enforcement of Commercial Code established a significant foundation for the present business environment. The surrounding reality has significantly changed during...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Anneli Aab attended a conference on intellectual property law and practice
07.09.2015 LEADELLOn 3-4 September 2015 attorney-at-law Anneli Aab participated a Baltic conference „What’s up IP? Developments in Intellectual Property Law and Practice“ organised by the Estonian workgroup of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property. This year the conference was organised in Tallinn and focused on the latest developments...
Read moreOn 16 June 2015 the Aivar Pilv Law Office in cooperation with the Raamatupidamisuudised is organising a seminar „Rent. Lease. Taxes“ where the lecturer is attorney-at-law and partner Jaak Siim of the Aivar Pilv Law Office. Seminar is focusing on the tax issues related to the sale or rent...
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