Dispute resolution
Pirkka-Marja Põldvere and Marko Pilv successfully represented Estonian Tennis Association in sports arbitration
05.02.2024 LEADELLstonian Tennis Association (ETA) appealed twice the decisions of the ITF Davis Cup Committee that had ruled that it was possible and practicable for the Estonian Davis Cup team to travel to Iran for the Davis Cup World Group II Play-off tie between Iran and Estonia. In both cases...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Aivar Pilv explained in the ETV program “Impulss” – “Actions of the Prosecutor’s Office on the basis of one corruption case”, aired on 06.02.2024, why the charge filed against his defendant and the other accused on the bases of KarS § 294 lg 2 p-de 3 and 4,...
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere was successful in representing a client in several court instances in Estonia in a claim from a service contract in construction sector. A subcontractor turned to court requesting that the court would order a contractor to pay a fee for sub-contractor’s deficient work. As a contractual representative...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Aivar Pilv met with Nursipalu residents and communities in Võru County
10.01.2023 LEADELLLast weekend, attorney-at-law Aivar Pilv met with local people at Nursi village centre. A large part of the owners of the built-up properties related to the expansion of Nursipalu, MTÜ Meie Nursipalu, MTÜ Nursi Tegusad and other local active people were present.
Read moreThe law does not guarantee the protection of the rights of the owner in the acquisition of real estate in the public interest
29.12.2022 LEADELLIn Postimees article "The court crushed the land owner's hope of getting the desired price for the land from the state", attorney-at-law Aivar Pilv explains that on the basis of a specific court case and the decision made in it, why the Acquisition of Immovables in Public Interest Act...
Read moreJudgement of acquittal of the violation of the Public Procurement Act and taking bribes
22.12.2022 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Aivar Pilv and attorney-at-law Marko Pilv successfully defended the client in a criminal case in which the defendant had been charged with violating the requirements for conducting public procurements. In the indictment under the Penal Code art 300 (1), the defendant was accused of violating the Procurement Act...
Read moreEmployers often want to use the so-called "trial day" before formally concluding an employment contract, and situations where employees work free for the employer have proven to be a problem. In this article, we will give an overview of the trial day problems and the concluding an employment contract....
Read moreAttorney-at-law Epp Lumiste successfully represented a client in a dispute that lasted for more than 3 years where the claim regarded a demand of fees arising from a software development contract. Tallinn Circuit Court granted the plaintiff’s claim to the extent of approx. 77% and awarded more than 58,000...
Read moreAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Marko Pilv successfully represented the client in a court dispute which lasted for nearly 5 years
20.06.2022 LEADELLAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Marko Pilv successfully represented the client in a court dispute which lasted for nearly 5 years over the validity of the lease and cooperation agreement.
Read moreLEADELL Pilv Law Office partner Marko Pilv successfully represented a client in a court proceeding
12.05.2022 LEADELLLEADELL Pilv Law Office partner Marko Pilv successfully represented a client in a court proceeding who suffered with various injuries as a result of physical attack.
Read moreLEADELL Pilv Law Office attorney Oleg Matvejev’s comment on the legal regulation of piracy in Estonia
02.02.2022 LEADELLThe editor of Russian Postimees turned to LEADELL Pilv Law Office attorney Oleg Matvejev, for a comment on the legal regulation of piracy in Estonia. The attorney explained that copyright area is indeed regulated by law in Estonia.
Read moreLEADELL Pilv Law Office attorney Oleg Matvejev’s comment on the legal regulation of monthly support in Estonia
21.01.2022 LEADELLAttorney Oleg Matvejev from LEADELL Pilv Law Office said that the Estonian-Russian Legal Assistant Agreement provides an opportunity to file a claim for maintenance to both Estonian and Russian courts. Matvejev recommends submitting a claim for maintenance through a contractual representative in Estonia for several reasons. First of all, the...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Anneli Aab successfully represented a client in a media dispute also in the Circuit Court
13.01.2022 LEADELLAs of today, both the county court and circuit court have verified Eesti Ekspress's factual statements and inappropriate values published by Krister Kivi in the article "TV show about helping the poor made Kristi Nilov a wealthy person" and agreed with Kristi Loigo that both incorrect factual statements and...
Read moren 22.12.2021 the Supreme Court of Estonia satisfied the claim of a client of LEADELL Pilv Law Office. According to the contract between the parties, our client (claimant) was acting as the sole counsellor upon the sale of a real estate belonging to the defendant, and the latter was...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented the client in a civil case, arguing whether direct material damage had been caused to the client by a bar visitor and whether it should have been compensated by him. The lawsuit pointed out, among other things, that the defendant repeatedly pushed the outside...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented a client in a civil case which has been a dispute since 2017 and about whether an electric vehicle with a hidden defect was sold to the client. By following the guidelines given by the Supreme Court in 2020 decision (which annulled the earlier...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu helped the client to reach a favourable judicial compromise
02.07.2021 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented the client in civil proceedings, which ended with a compromise, in in favour of the client. The dispute was about the inadmissibility of compulsory enforcement and the extent to which the notarial contract between the parties must be performed. Client’s opinion was that it...
Read morePartner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere successfully represented a client in international commercial arbitration where the client requested that its contract partner would be obliged to pay for the services duly received from the client.
Read moreLEADELL Pilv Attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste successfully represented the client in the annulment of PRIA decisions
08.06.2021 LEADELLOn 03.06.2021 Tartu District Court made a decision where it granted the appeal and annulled the decision of the Tartu Administrative Court. Tartu Administrative Court had agreed with the Agriculture and Food Board (ATA)* and PRIA and found that there were no grounds for doubting the reliability of what was...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv attorney-at-law Anneli Aab successfully represented the client in the so-called media dispute
01.06.2021 LEADELLOn 28.05.2021, Harju County Court partially granted Kristi Loigo's lawsuit against Eesti Ekspress. The dispute was based on the Eesti Ekspress (EE) article "TV show about helping the poor made producer Kristi Nilov a wealthy person" on 25.04.2018 and about incorrect factual statements and inappropriate values published in the article...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu accomplished a positive court decision for the client in a debt dispute
19.04.2021 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented a client in civil court proceedings in a dispute where the question was whether the client (the defendant) was obligated to compensate the plaintiff for pecuniary damage because he did not return one technical device to the latter.
Read moreAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented client in an administrative court proceeding
24.03.2021 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented client in an administrative court proceeding, where the dispute was about proving the right to receive old-age pension under favorable conditions. The client submitted a pension application to the Social Insurance Board for a preferential old-age pension because, in her opinion, she had worked...
Read moreAttorneys Aivar Pilv and Anneli Aab successfully represented composer Ivar Must in a dispute with Orkla Eesti AS over advertisement music
23.03.2021 LEADELLAt the end of last year, the Supreme Court sent I. Must’s lawsuit back to the circuit court for new adjudication. When in a 2019 decision the circuit court satisfied I. Must’s lawsuit in the amount of approximately 16 000 euros, then on the new adjudication of the case...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv continuously ranked as one of the best dispute resolution firms in Estonia
25.02.2021 LEADELLInternational publication Chambers Global recently published its fresh rankings in the field of Dispute Resolution. We are proud to announce that LEADELL Pilv Law Office was again ranked in Band 2.
Read moreAttorney-at-Law Anneli Aab successfully represented a client in a corruption dispute
15.02.2021 LEADELLAttorney-at-Law Anneli Aab successfully represented a client in a corruption dispute in county court as well as circuit court. The head of the police department was accused of corrupt use for personal gain – the accused abuse was carpooling together with his employee, who was allowed to park an...
Read moreWhat should the debtor’s successor know about the additions to the Bankruptcy Act and the Law of Succession?
10.02.2021 LEADELLIn December 2020, the Supreme Court passed a law amending the Bankruptcy Act (BA) and the Law of Succession Act (LOS). Here are some of the most notable additions to take effect on the 1st of February 2021.
Read moreAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented the client in cassation proceeding
18.12.2020 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Raini Nõu successfully represented the client in civil case cassation proceeding where the dispute was whether an electric vehicle was sold to the plaintiff with hidden defects. The Supreme Court’s 18.11.2020 decision was with fundamental importance in a situation where lower courts had failed to assess many of the evidence...
Read moreManaging partner Aivar Pilv and partner Marko Pilv successfully represented a client in a long-term lease dispute
16.12.2020 LEADELLManaging partner Aivar Pilv and partner Marko Pilv successfully represented a client in a long-term lease dispute, in which the county court fully satisfied the client’s claim in the amount of more than 300,000 euros and dismissed the counterclaim.
Read moreAn important question from the court practice in the ,,Savisaar’’ criminal proceedings
03.12.2020 LEADELLOn 30.11.2020 the so-called Savisaar’s criminal case that for a long time was under the public eye, finally got a solution, when the Supreme Court refused to accept the prosecutor’s and some of the attorneys appeals in cassation. Therefore, entered into force the court decisions, with what the courts...
Read moreOn the 30th of November 2020 Harju County Court made a decision to grant LEADELL Pilv Law Office clients lawsuit. The clients claim based on an agreement with what the defendant was required to pay the claimant fee under certain conditions. The court agreed with the claimant that the...
Read moreChambers Global 2000 recognizes Aivar Pilv as the highest category attorney: ,,Aivar Pilv is well-known dispute settlement attorney who has a wide experience in solving many different types of disputes. He is highly recognized for representing clients in white-collar crime cases’’
Read moreAttorney-at-law Marko Pilv successfully defended his client in criminal case where the client and client’s board member were accused of committing a fraud. The client was acquitted in previous court instances and the Supreme Court dismissed prosecutor’s appeal in cassation. Therefore, the circuit court’s decision entered into force with...
Read moreInternational publication Who’s Who Legal (WWL) and Global Arbitration Review (GAR) has recognised Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, a partner of LEADELL Pilv Law Office, in the category Arbitration Future Leader 2020 (see https://whoswholegal.com/pirkka-marja-poldvere).
Read moreThe defendant was accused under the Penal Code article 298 (2) section 1 of continuously offering bribe to E. Savisaar.
14.01.2020 LEADELLWith County Court’s decision the court terminated the proceeding on the grounds that the limitation period had been exceeded. During the proceeding in the county court A. Kofkin’s lawyers repeatedly brought out to the court’s attention the violation of reasonable time requirements in the criminal proceeding that had been going...
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere has been added to the list of recommended arbitrators of the ECCI Arbitration Court
06.09.2019 LEADELLPirkka-Marja Põldvere, one of the best arbitration specialists in Estonian, has been added to the list of recommended arbitrators of the Arbitration Court of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce (ECCI).
Read morePartner Jaak Siim successfully represented the company OÜ Monoliit and its board member Jaak Reinmets in a criminal proceeding where the clients were accused of facilitating a benefit fraud. Since the main act of crime has not been committed, any facilitation of the crime could neither take place.
Read moreMarko Pilv, senior associate of LEADELL Pilv, successfully defended a company in a criminal proceeding where the client and its board member were accused of committing an extensive fraud.
Read morePartner Jaak Siim successfully represented a former employee of the Employment Inspectorate in a dispute concerning the legal basis of employment termination. In the opinion of the employee, during the dismissal from service the legal requirements were not followed and therefore the dismissal was illegal.
Read moreThe 26th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot took place in Vienna before Easter. The pre-moot conference focused on the topic of „Costs and Damages in International Arbitration“ and a new book entitled „Finances in International Arbitration. Liber Amicorum Patricia Shaughnessy“ was presented.
Read moreAs from 15 April 2019, LEADELL Pilv Law Office has a new colleague, senior associate Raini Nõu. His main fields of activities include civil law and administrative law, legal counselling of clients as well as representation in court proceedings.
Read moreBased on the respective proposal of the Estonian Bar Association, Pirkka-Marja Põldvere has been appointed a member of the Board of the Arbitration Court of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce.
Read moreJaak Siim and Aleksandr Tsemin achieved positive judgment for client in county court
15.03.2019 LEADELLSenior associate Jaak Siim and associate Aleksandr Tsemin successfully represented their client in a criminal proceeding where the defendant was accused with regard to an accident at the ash handling system of the Auvere Power Plant.
Read moreChambers Global 2019 recognising Pirkka-Marja Põldvere for collaborative approach to disputes
28.02.2019 LEADELLPartner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is highly noted by Global Chambers 2019 for her collaborative approach to disputes. "She listens to our ideas and incorporates them into what she is preparing," clients say.
Read moreAivar Pilv and Urmas Kõrgesaar achieved positive result in criminal case against Tartu Mill
26.02.2019 LEADELLBased on the 25.02.2019 court judgment, Tartu Circuit Court satisfied the appeals by the defenders of Leonid Dulub and Priit Saar, cancelling a previous judgment of the Tartu County Court that found the accused persons guilty in being members of a criminal organisation dealing with tax fraud.
Read moreChambers Global 2019 recognising Aivar Pilv for „analytical approach and outstanding performance in courts“
19.02.2019 LEADELLAccording to the international publication Chambers Global 2019, LEADELL Pilv Law Office continues to be one of the market leaders in dispute resolution in Estonia. Senior associate Aivar Pilv has been highly recognised for his „analytical approach and outstanding performance in courts“.
Read moreGLE: Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is the best Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyer in Estonia
08.02.2019 LEADELLGlobal Law Experts has recognised Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, partner and senior associate of LEADELL Pilv, as the winner of 2019 in the category of Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyer in Estonia.
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere successfully represented client in disputing ungrounded claim
16.01.2019 LEADELLIn the current dispute, employer was for years paying part of the salary unofficially to the employee by making money transfers from private bank account. When the employee decided to terminate the employment, an unexpected claim was filed to court.
Read moreTartu Circuit Court refused to satisfy the prosecutor’s appeal for annulling the positive judgment of the Viru County Court regarding a work accident that resulted in the death of two miners.
Read moreIn 2018 in Estonia a new Labour Dispute Resolution Act entered into force. This Newsletter is focusing on the more important amendments and also providing a comparison with the Latvian and Lithuanian law on labour dispute resolution.
Read moreCourt agreed with Aivar Pilv regarding ungrounded claim for compensation of damages in amount of 200,000 Euro
09.11.2018 LEADELLBased on the 07.11.2018 judgment of Tallinn District Court, a previous judgment of Harju County Court that found the accused persons guilty and satisfied a claim in amount of 200,000 Euro against the accused persons and a civil respondent (client of LEADELL Pilv) was annulled.
Read moreThis week a judgment of the Tartu District Court dated 21.05.2018 entered into force founding Aivar Soop, long-term governor of Tartu municipality and member of municipality council not guilty in accusations of corruption. The state official was accused of violating procedural restrictions and of embezzlement.
Read moreLast week at the 35th Estonian Days of Legal Scientists, three volumes of comments on the Code of Civil Procedure were presented. Partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere has written comments to the provisions on conciliation procedure and to almost half of the articles regulating arbitration proceedings.
Read moreHarju County Court decided not to satisfy the claim against a client of LEADELL Pilv regarding alleged transition of company. The court agreed that similarity of business names and transition of certain assets cannot be equalised with the transition of a whole company.
Read moreTambet Laasik and Anneli Aab successfully represented client in dispute between shareholders
21.08.2018 LEADELLPartner Tambet Laasik and senior associate Anneli Aab resolved a long and complicated dispute between the owners of Hotel Pärnu. The dispute involved almost 20 different proceedings which lasted for 5 years and ended with the achievement of compromise.
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere successfully represented client in dispute regarding liability of board member
31.07.2018 LEADELLTartu County Court satisfied the claim of LEADELL Pilv’s client against a former management board member of a company and ordered the compensation the damage caused by violation of management board member’s liability.
Read moreSenior associate Anneli Aab is representing in court dispute a client Seeder Agri OÜ who had a right to cut timber and concluded a contract for transferring the right. Court dispute occurred due to the advance payment made to the transferor by the acquirer.
Read morePartner Jaak Siim represented its client in a tax dispute where as a result of court proceeding the Tax and Customs Board (TCB) annulled their tax decision to the extent of over 50%.
Read moreOn 7 June 2018, Viru County Court found Enefit Kaevandused AS and its employees not guilty in accusation of inactivity and thus causing the death of two employees on worksite. Previously the prosecutor had applied for a financial penalty of more than 8 million Euros to the company.
Read moreOn 24 May 2018, the annual conference Helsinki International Arbitration Day took place in Helsinki, Finland. LEADELL Pilv Law Office was represented by partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere.
Read moreInternational legal market publication “Legal 500” has granted the highest ranking to LEADELL Pilv Law Office in the practice areas of dispute resolution and tax law. Additionally our lawyers are recommended in corporate and commercial, M&A, real estate and construction law.
Read moreUrmas Kõrgesaar and Tambet Laasik successfully defended former municipality governor
22.05.2018 LEADELLTartu District Court in their 21.05.2018 judgment found former governor of Tartu municipality, Aivar Soop, not guilty in the accusation of corruption and misuse of municipality assets.
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere lecturing to Estonian Bar Association and University of Tartu
09.04.2018 LEADELLPirkka-Marja Põldvere gave lecture to the members of the Estonian Bar Association on the topic of arbitration, independence and impartiality of arbitrators and the Estonian Supreme Court practice. In her lecture Pirkka-Marja Põldvere analysed the benefits of arbitration in comparison to national court proceedings.
Read moreAccording to the international publication Chambers Global 2018, LEADELL Pilv Law Office continues to be one of the market leaders in dispute resolution in Estonia. Managing partner Aivar Pilv and partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere have been highly recognised by Chambers Global 2018.
Read morePartner and senior associate Urmas Kõrgesaar successfully represented its client in corruption accusations. Public Prosector’s Office accused Aigar Lepp, manager of Tartu Valla Kommunaal OÜ and Miljon Mõtet OÜ, in crimes of corruption, falsification and use of falsified procurement document.
Read morePartner and senior associate Pirkka-Marja Põldvere acted as sole arbitrator under the Rules of Arbitration of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The case stemmed from a sales contract between two Estonian companies.
Read moreAnneli Aab and Aivar Pilv successfully represented client in claim for compensation
21.12.2017 LEADELLAnneli Aab and Aivar Pilv successfully represented their client in dispute with Zelluloosi Kinnisvara OÜ regarding a claim for compensation of damages against board member. Harju County Court decided not to satisfy the claim against our client for compensation of damages in amount of 127.148,60 Euro and interests.
Read moreJaak Siim successfully represented construction company in dispute about obligation to issue invoice
07.11.2017 LEADELLPartner and senior associate Jaak Siim successfully represented a construction company as a defendant in a court proceeding regarding an obligation to issue an invoice based on the fulfilment of an employment contract.
Read moreAivar Pilv and Anneli Aab successfully represented client in claim for compensation
03.11.2017 LEADELLSenior associates Aivar Pilv and Anneli Aab represented their client in court dispute with Zelluloosi Kinnisvara OÜ regarding a claim for compensation of damages against board member. The value of the claim against our client for compensation of damages was 127,148.60 Euro and interests.
Read moreAivar Pilv and Britta Oltjer successfully represented RIITO Ehituse AS in construction dispute
09.10.2017 LEADELLSenior Associates Aivar Pilv and Britta Oltjer of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented construction company RIITO Ehituse AS in dispute resolution at the Harju County Court. In the referred dispute Riigi Kinnisvara AS filed a claim against RIITO Ehituse AS in amount over 1 million Euro.
Read moreLEADELL Pilv Law Office is honoured to announce that its circle of partners has widened both in the Tallinn and Tartu office. Senior Associates Merilin Ojasaar and Tambet Laasik have become the new Partners of the LEADELL Pilv.
Read moreExactly one year ago three Baltic law firms – Aivar Pilv Law Office in Estonia, Fogels, Vītols & Paipa in Latvia, and Balčiūnas & Grajauskas in Lithuania – announced the formation of the new Pan-Baltic alliance LEADELL. Today we are pleased to conclude that the first year under the...
Read moreThe freshly published first part of the commentaries to the Estonian Code of Civil Procedure includes a paragraph commented by attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere (together with Ilona Nurmela) – Article 1211: Matters of declaring enforceable settlement agreements reached as result of conciliation proceedings.
Read moreSenior associates Anneli Aab and Aivar Pilv representing composer Ivar Must in claiming author’s remuneration
19.07.2017 LEADELLAnneli Aab and Aivar Pilv are representing in court dispute the Estonian composer Ivar Must who is claiming author’s remuneration from the company Põltsamaa Felix with regard to using the feature tune „Põltsamaa, ehtne ja hea“ in their ad campaigns for years without the consent of the author.
Read moreAttorney-at-law Jaak Siim successfully represented state official in court dispute about disciplinary proceeding
20.06.2017 LEADELLPartner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented an inspector of the Labour Inspectorate in a court dispute related to the legitimacy of a disciplinary proceeding, during which the state official was removed from public service. Although the disciplinary proceeding was terminated during the court proceeding...
Read moreTallinn District Court agreed with the decision of County Court satisfying the claim of Allan Kiil against the Tallinna Sadam
09.06.2017 LEADELLAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Britta Oltjer of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented Allan Kiil in a dispute against Tallinna Sadam (Port of Tallinn). The Tallinn District Court refused to satisfy the appeal of the Tallinna Sadam and change the decision of the County Court which satisfied the claim...
Read moreSenior associate Tambet Laasik successfully represented client in Supreme Court with regard to validity of transactions made by board member
28.04.2017 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Tambet Laasik of the LEADELL Pilv successfully represented a client in the Estonian Supreme Court in case No. 3-2-1-26-17. This is a conceptual court ruling with regard to the assessment of validity of transactions made by a board member. The Supreme Court annulled the decisions of the County...
Read morePartner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere successfully represented client in contract for services dispute
25.04.2017 LEADELLIn the middle of April an almost 3 years long court proceeding regarding employment contract reached an end. In the dispute the client of LEADELL Pilv (contractor) claimed through court the agreed fee for the performed work.
Read moreTambet Laasik and Irina Meldjuk writing in accounting news magazine about responsibility regarding deterioration, loss or shortage of goods
18.04.2017 LEADELLIn the 2/2017 issue of accounting magazine „Raamatupidamisuudised“ the article „Deterioration, loss or shortage of goods – who is responsible?“ by attorney-at-law Tambet Laasik and lawyer Irina Meldjuk was published. The article is covering legal and evidential problems occurring with the loss of goods, and the related responsibility.
Read moreAttorney Elin Uusväli successfully represented client in dispute about child’s last name
05.04.2017 LEADELLAttorney Elin Uusväli of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office together with attorney Aleksandr Tsemin successfully represented a father of a child in dispute resolution and proceeding in Tallinn Circuit Court. The father of the child filed an application to court for granting him sole power of decision in order to...
Read morePartner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is explaining in the news portal Delfi how the Estonian Supreme Court has specified the limits of liability of board members. In the decision from 29 March 2017, the Supreme Court established that in certain cases the liability of board members is up to 10 years. Usually...
Read moreAttorneys-at-law of LEADELL Pilv Law Office have been designated to serve on the Panel of Arbitrators and the Panel of Conciliators maintained by ICSID
28.02.2017 LEADELLThe Republic of Estonia has designated Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, a partner/atorney-at-law of LEADELL Pilv, to serve on the Panel of Arbitrators maintained by ICSID (The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes). Attorney-at-law Ilmar-Erik Aavakivi has been designated to serve on the Panel of Conciliators maintained by ICSID. Both attorneys-at-law...
Read morePartner Jaak Siim successfully represented the client in court dispute regarding the obligation to pay agent fee
22.02.2017 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented in court the client who is providing services as real estate agent. The dispute focused on the question whether the real estate agent had a right to claim agent fee from the defendant who made an apartment sale...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv attorneys achieved successful results in court dispute regarding claim for compensation of damages
16.02.2017 LEADELLAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Anneli Aab successfully represented their client who allegedly caused the nuisance as well as the beneficiary in Harju County Court in civil case No. 2-15-14781 where a claim for compensation of damages in amount of over 127,000 Euro and interests was submitted against them. The...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv achieved successful results by representing Võru County Government in procurement proceeding
14.02.2017 LEADELLVõru County Government called for public procurement in order to conclude a contract for the provision of public bus transportation services. For various reasons it was impossible to start the contract on the prescribed date. Therefore the Võru County Government considered whether to extend the contract with previous provider...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Britta Oltjer of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented the clients AbeStock AS, Viimsi Kaubanduskeskus OÜ and ABC Vara AS in the Estonian Supreme Court. In the referred dispute the respondents were demanded to pay jointly and severally the main debt in amount of 4.6 million Euro and...
Read more“Do only builders run the risks of unforeseeable construction works?” write attorneys-at-law Britta Oltjer and Epp Lumiste
01.02.2017 LEADELLAttorneys-at–law Britta Oltjer and Epp Lumiste write in today’s article in business newspaper Äripäev that it is not always possible to avoid (court) disputes in construction procurements. Even along with very carefully and thoroughly planned construction procurement, the fulfilment of concluded contract can lead to time-consuming and resource-intensive (court) dispute....
Read more“Negotiations are not a sign of weakness but wisdom”, writes attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere
18.01.2017 LEADELLUnfortunately, some people mistakenly assume that negotiations with the other side diminish their importance and merit, wrote attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere in her article in Äripäev. For some reason we often meet pointless stiffness when communicating with partners in our business culture.
Read moreHarju county court satisfied the claim of attorneys-at-law of LEADEL Pilv representing Allan Kiil against Tallinn harbour
16.01.2017 LEADELLAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Britta Oltjer successfully represented Allan Kiil in a dispute with Tallinna Sadam AS. Kiil filed a claim against Tallinn Harbour for compensation and penalty fees on the basis of prohibition of competition. On 16 January 2017 the court satisfied Kiil’s claim, collected compensation and penalty...
Read moreAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Jaak Siim have reached defendant’s partial acquittal in tax criminal case
10.01.2017 LEADELLTallinn circuit court partially satisfied appeal complaint of attorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Jaak Siim with its judgement as of 9 January 2017, as well as partially annulled court sentence Harju county as of 13 June 2016. Also the defendant was justified in prosecuting based on Article 389 (2) of...
Read moreArticle „Owner of trademark may be liable for the obligations of trademark user“ by Aleksandr Tsemin
04.01.2017 LEADELLAccording to the article published in business newspaper Ärileht by attorney Aleksandr Tsemin of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office, by renting out its trademark, the owner of the trademark may become liable for fulfilling also the obligations of the trademark user, as appears from a recent resolution of the...
Read moreLEADELL Pilv achieved successful results in court proceeding related to disregarding of public procurement
21.12.2016 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Epp Lumiste of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented a client in Tartu Administrative Court. Initially the client (provider of catering services) submitted an appeal to the Public Procurement Appeals Committee (PPAC) requesting to detect that a contract for the free use of canteen premises of a...
Read moreAttorney-at-law Aivar Pilv successfully represented his client (defendant) in civil case No. 2-14-18576 in the Harju County Court regarding a claim for compensation of damages in amount of 2.2 million Euro. Both the county court and district court refused to satisfy the claim. The Supreme Court did not take the...
Read moreArticle „Wire-tapping of communication between attorney and client is unacceptable“ by attorney-at-law Marko Pilv
14.12.2016 LEADELLIn Estonia there were once again news disclosed about a certain criminal case (regarding a well-known Estonian politician) where it became evident that investigation authorities had conducted surveillance activities with regard to attorney, by documenting his meeting with the client and observing the attorney also during the meeting. Unfortunately...
Read moreThe defender of Alexander Kofkin, attorney-at-law Aivar Pilv found it necessary to draw the attention of the Estonian daily Postimees and media in general to the main principles of court proceeding and administration of justice that cannot be ignored, relating to the thorough overview on the evidences gathered in...
Read moreAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv, Jaak Siim and Marko Pilv successfully defended Tallinn city officials
23.11.2016 LEADELLAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv, Jaak Siim and Marko Pilv of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully defended four former and current officials of the Tallinn city in the criminal case of so-called hidden election advertisements where the city authorities were suspected to have facilitated the acquisition of city budget...
Read morePartner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office successfully represented his client in a tax dispute in Tartu Administrative Court with regard to the legality of a decision made to claim a tax debt from a member of the board of a company.
Read moreArticle „Displacement of vehicle – appropriate measure against debtor“ by Jaak Siim in accounting journal Raamatupidamisuudised
25.05.2016 LEADELLAccounting journal Raamatupidamisuudised recently published an article „Displacement of vehicle – appropriate measure against debtor“ by attorney-at-law Jaak Siim. The decision of the Estonian Supreme Court from 23 March 2016 gained attention of the general public since court took a standpoint that an administrator of parking lot has the...
Read moreOn 2 May 2016 the Delfi web portal published the article „What to know about inheritance“ by attorney Elin Uusväli. The issues related to inheritance can be generally divided into two. Firstly the questions that raise during the life of the bequeather: if, how and which type of will...
Read morePirkka-Marja Põldvere as lecturer attending the training „Arbitration proceeding: presumptions, conduct and consequences“
05.04.2016 LEADELLOn 7 April 2016 the Estonian Association of Lawyers is organising a training „Arbitration proceeding: presumptions, conduct and consequences“ where partner/attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere of the Aivar Pilv Law Office is giving a lecture. At the training Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is giving an overview of the essence of arbitration, presumptions for conducting...
Read moreAivar Pilv Law Office successfully represented Alexander Kofkin in Tallinn Circuit Court
26.01.2016 LEADELLAttorney-at-law Aivar Pilv of the Aivar Pilv Law Office successfully represented a well-known businessman Alexander Kofkin in Tallinn Circuit Court. Attorneys-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere and Marko Pilv also provided legal assistance in this court proceeding. With the decision from 25 January 2016, the Tallinn Circuit Court refused to change the...
Read moreAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Marko Pilv of the Aivar Pilv Law Office successfully represented their client Argo Ader in civil court dispute. With the decision of the Harju County Court dated 8 December 2015, the court refused to satisfy the application of an insurance company Seesam Insurance AS against...
Read moreAttorneys-at-law Aivar Pilv and Marko Pilv of the Aivar Pilv Law Office successfully represented their client Argo Ader in civil court dispute. With the decision of the Harju County Court dated 8 December 2015, the court refused to satisfy the application of an insurance company Seesam Insurance AS against...
Read moreArticle “Attorney-at-law about arbitration: business activities not to be over-regulated in the interest of consumer protection” by Pirkka-Marja Põldvere
12.11.2015 LEADELLOn 11 November 2015, the business news portal Delfi Ärileht published an article “Attorney-at-law about arbitration: business activities not to be over-regulated in the interest of consumer protection” by attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere. In the article Pirkka-Marja Põldvere presents her viewpoint regarding the potential plan of Estonia to initiate additional...
Read moreThe Ministry of Justice has forwarded a draft project for law amendments regarding arbitration proceedings (available in Estonian here) to the respective target groups. The project is to a large extent based on the comparative analysis of the arbitration proceeding regulation (available in Estonian here) compiled by attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja...
Read moreArticle by Pirkka-Marja Põldvere and Tambet Laasik about preliminary injunctions in Estonia
26.06.2015 LEADELLOn 17 June 2015 an article about preliminary injunctions in Estonia was published in international online legal portal juris.de. The article is written in German, consists of two parts and introduces to readers the basics regarding preliminary injunctions in civil court proceedings and the applied measures. Juris.de is an...
Read moreOn 8 June 2015 the Online version of daily Eesti Päevaleht published an article „Fake administration of justice?“ by attorney-at-law Pirkka-Marja Põldvere. The article clarifies the circumstances regarding arbitration proceedings. Lately the arbitral courts have been handled in media as „secret courts” and arbitration proceedings as „shaded justice in...
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