Pirkka-Marja Põldvere is co-author of arbitration book presented during VIS Moot
The 26th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot took place in Vienna, Austria just before Easter, gathering over thousand arbitration and CISG specialists worldwide. As a tradition, the week included numerous moot hearings for students, as well as various conferences, seminars and other networking events for moot arbitrators. LEADELL Pilv partner Pirkka-Marja Põldvere participated as an arbitrator and also attended several seminars and related events.
This year’s pre-moot conference focused on the topic of „Costs and Damages in International Arbitration“. The conference was unique since it began with a surprise gift for Ms. Patricia Shaughnessy, professor at the Stockholm University, to celebrate her 65th jubilee and ongoing career. Namely, a well-kept secret was revealed at the conference: a new book entitled „Finances in International Arbitration. Liber Amicorum Patricia Shaughnessy“. The book is an article collection by many highly recognised arbitration specialists and some former students of prof. Shaughnessy. Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, who has also obtained her master’s degree in arbitration from the Stockholm University, is a co-author of the chapter „Does a party save costs when turning to international arbitration over litigation?”.
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