With a presentation ,,Tax investigation: When the Tax Officer Approaches?’’ Jaak Siim gave an overview to accountants and entrepreneurs how to be prepared in a situation where a tax administrator sends a tax investigation notice or when tax officers show up to control registrations of employees, entrepreneurship or other...
Read moreThe article in question sums up the comparison between general and limited partnership to private limited company by highlighting the nature of general and limited partnership its advantages and disadvantages compared with the most common type of company – the private limited company. Full article in Estonian is available...
Read moreOn 3 April 2019, accounting news magazine Raamatupidamisuudised is organising a seminar where senior associate Jaak Siim is giving a lecture on „Surveillance activities of tax auditors and secret cooperation“.
Read moreThe Estonian accounting news magazine Raamatupidamisuudised has published the last part of an article „Relevant taxation amendments 2019” by partner Jaak Siim. The article continues introducing the latest amendments to the Estonian Taxation Law.
Read moreThe Estonian accounting news magazine Raamatupidamisuudised has published an article „Relevant taxation amendments 2019” by partner Jaak Siim. The article is providing an overview of more relevant amendments with regard to data to be inserted into employment register, implementation of joint tax control, issuing of tax notices etc.
Read moreOn 26 November 2018, partner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv is giving a lecture „ Amendments in Tax Law 2019“ at the seminar organised by accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read moreOn 26 October 2018, partner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv is giving a lecture „ Amendments to Income Tax Act – new rules against tax avoidance practices“ at the seminar organised by accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read morePartner Jaak Siim represented its client in a tax dispute where as a result of court proceeding the Tax and Customs Board (TCB) annulled their tax decision to the extent of over 50%.
Read moreInternational legal market publication “Legal 500” has granted the highest ranking to LEADELL Pilv Law Office in the practice areas of dispute resolution and tax law. Additionally our lawyers are recommended in corporate and commercial, M&A, real estate and construction law.
Read moreThe Estonian accounting news magazine Raamatupidamisuudised has published an article „Latvian income tax reform – last kick to Estonian attractiveness?” by senior associate Jaak Siim.
Read moreJaak Siim introducing possibilities to optimise taxes to Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
17.04.2018 LEADELLOn 18 April 2018, partner and senior associate Jaak Siim is giving a lecture „Optimising taxes in 2018“ at the seminar organised by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Read moreOn 22 March 2018, partner and senior associate Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is giving a lecture at the seminar „How to survive tax audit“ organised by the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised.
Read moreOn 7 March 2018, partner and senior associate Jaak Siim is giving a lecture at the seminar „Optimizing of taxes in 2018“ organised by the Estonian Training and Conference Centre.
Read moreArticle “Dangerous company car – new taxation rules” by Jaak Siim in the accounting magazine
24.11.2017 LEADELLIn the 7/2017 issue of accounting magazine „Raamatupidamisuudised“, an article about the private use of company cars was published by partner and senior associate Jaak Siim. The article provides an overview of the recent and upcoming legal amendments regarding the taxation of company cars.
Read moreYear 2018 will come with some significant tax reforms in Estonia and Latvia affecting businesses of all sizes. Latvia is introducing 0% tax rate on reinvested profit, Estonia is lowering the income tax rate for regular profit distribution, and other measures to improve the competitiveness of each country are...
Read moreOn 26 October 2017 the Nordic Tax Conference is taking place in Tallinn where Jaak Siim, attorney-at-law and partner of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is presenting an overview on the Finnish tax system to the Estonian entrepreneurs.
Read moreIn the 6/2017 issue of accounting magazine „Raamatupidamisuudised“, an article about the new Customs Act was published by attorney-at-law and partner Jaak Siim.
Read moreOn 9 November 2017 the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised is organising the seminar „Dangerous company car – new taxation rules“ where lecture is given by partner and senior associate Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office.
Read moreOn 18 October 2017 the accounting news portal Raamatupidamisuudised is organising the seminar „Tax Amendments 2018“ where lecture is given by partner and senior associate Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office.
Read moreExactly one year ago three Baltic law firms – Aivar Pilv Law Office in Estonia, Fogels, Vītols & Paipa in Latvia, and Balčiūnas & Grajauskas in Lithuania – announced the formation of the new Pan-Baltic alliance LEADELL. Today we are pleased to conclude that the first year under the...
Read moreIn the 3/2017 issue of accounting magazine „Raamatupidamisuudised“, attorney-at-law and partner Jaak Siim is explaining in which cases and to what extent an entrepreneur is liable for the payment of taxes applicable to the import of goods if the undeclared items are stolen or dispossessed in other illegal manner.
Read morePartner Jaak Siim giving lecture „How much and how should accountant communicate if tax audit enters the company?“ at the Conference of Estonian Accountants
27.04.2017 LEADELLToday, on 27 April 2017 the „Conference of Estonian Accountants: Spring Mission 2017“ is taking place in Tallinn, Estonia. Partner Jaak Siim of the LEADELL Pilv is giving a lecture „How much and how should accountant communicate if tax audit enters the company?“ at the conference.
Read moreArticles by Epp Lumiste and Jaak Siim published in accounting magazine Raamatupidamisuudised
23.02.2017 LEADELLIn this year’s 1st issue of the accounting magazine Raamatupidamisuudised, the article “Overview of legal acts” by attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste and the 2nd part of the article “End justifies the means” by attorney-at-law Jaak Siim were published.
Read moreThe accounting journal Raamatupidamisuudised has published the article „The end justifies the means“ by attorney-at-law Jaak Siim. The article is introducing the draft amendments to the Taxation Act and the Electronic Communications Act that are proceeded by the Estonian Parliament at the moment. According to the proposed amendments to...
Read moreAmendments in Estonian Income Tax Act proceeding from the EU Directive on taxation of parent companies and subsidiaries
15.12.2016 LEADELLOn 1 November 2016 the amendments to the Income Tax Act entered into force in Estonia adopting the amendments of the EU Directive No. 2011/96/EU on the common system of taxation applicable in the case of parent companies and subsidiaries of different Member States (hereinafter the Directive). The aim...
Read moreWith regard to the changes taking place in the society and development of IT solutions, traditional work relations are also changing, including the requirements set by employees to employers. Upon choosing jobs, more and more employees prefer flexibility and possibility to work at home, if necessary. Considering the development...
Read moreOpinion by Epp Lumiste in article „Is the increase of threshold for VAT taxable person useful for companies?“
12.12.2016 LEADELLOnline financial portal Raamatupidamisuudised has asked from experts if the increase of threshold for registration as a person liable to value added tax is a positive or negative change for companies. Namely, in 2018 an amendment to Value-Added Tax Act will enter into force increasing the threshold for registration...
Read moreArticle „Work ability reform was accompanied by number of amendments in tax laws“ by Epp Lumiste
07.11.2016 LEADELLIn the 6th issue of the financial magazine Raamatupidamisuudised an article „Work ability reform was accompanied by number of amendments to tax laws“ by attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste was published. The article is providing a short overview of the amendments to tax laws that entered into force in Estonia in the...
Read moreArticle „Envelope Salary and Obligations of Employees. Risks for the Receiver of Envelope Salary“ by Epp Lumiste and Häli Jürimäe
04.10.2016 LEADELLInformative newsletter of the Estonian business daily Äripäev has published an article „Envelope Salary and Obligations of Employees. Risks for the Receiver of Envelope Salary“ by attorneys-at law Epp Lumiste and Häli Jürimäe.
Read moreArticle „Tax authorities keeping an eye on VAT payers“ by attorney-at-law Häli Jürimäe
26.09.2016 LEADELLIn the 5th edition of the Online accounting magazine „Raamatupidamisuudised Pluss“ the article „Tax authorities keeping an eye on VAT payers“ by attorney-at-law Häli Jürimäe is published.
Read moreArticle „Envelope wages and the liability of employees“ by Häli Jürimäe and Epp Lumiste
08.09.2016 LEADELLOn 5 September 2016 the web portal of the business daily Äripäev published the article „Envelope wages and the liability of employees“ by attorneys at law Häli Jürimäe and Epp Lumiste.
Read moreArticle „Employer is violating the law but employee is responsible for it“ by Epp Lumiste
01.09.2016 LEADELLFinancial online magazine „Raamatupidamisuudised Pluss“ is publishing in its 4th edition the article „Employer is violating the law but employee is responsible for it“ by attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste.
Read moreArticle „Detecting hidden work relation through the eyes of tax authority“ by Jaak Siim
20.04.2016 LEADELLOn 15 April 2016 an article „Detecting hidden work relation through the eyes of tax authority“ by partner/attorney-at-law Jaak Siim of the Aivar Pilv Law Office was published in the financial magazine Raamatupidamise Praktik of the business daily Äripäev. The article is focusing on the guidelines compiled by the...
Read moreArticle on tax amendments by Jaak Siim in accounting journal Raamatupidamisuudised
23.02.2016 LEADELLAccounting journal Raamatupidamisuudised published in the 1st issue of 2016 an article „What to know about tax amendments that entered into force this year“ by attorney-at-law Jaak Siim. In the article, the author provides an overview of the main law amendments in taxation that entered into force at the...
Read moreNewsletter on taxation by law offices Aivar Pilv, Balčiūnas ir Grajauskas and Fogels, Vītols & Paipa
12.02.2016 LEADELLWe are pleased to publish the 4th issue of the year 2015 Baltic Tax Review compiled in cooperation with the Aivar Pilv Law Office (Estonia), Balčiūnas ir Grajauskas (Lithuania) and Fogels, Vītols & Paipa (Latvia). The newsletter provides an overview of the latest amendments in taxation law in Estonia,...
Read moreArticle “Avoiding tax risks in providing legal counselling” by Jaak Siim in accounting magazine Raamatupidamisuudised
26.11.2015 LEADELLOn 25 November 2015, in the 7th issue of accounting magazine Raamatupidamisuudised the article “Avoiding tax risks in providing legal counselling” by attorney-at-law Jaak Siim was published. In the article, the author is providing an overview about the developments regarding the economic activities of private limited companies which has...
Read moreWe are pleased to publish the 2nd bulletin of 2015 of the Baltic Tax Review compiled in cooperation with the Baltic law firms Aivar Pilv Law Office (Estonia), Balčiūnas ir Grajauskas (Lituania) and Fogels, Vītols & Paipa (Latvia). The review is providing an overview of the recent amendments regarding...
Read moreArticle „Continued disputes regarding sales tax – who to blame?“ by Jaak Siim and Epp Lumiste
21.10.2015 LEADELLIn the October 2015 issue of the financial journal Raamatupidamisuudised, an article „Continued disputes regarding sales tax – who to blame?“ by attorneys-at-law Jaak Siim and Epp Lumiste was published. The article is providing an overview of the developments regarding disputes on the sales tax established by the City...
Read moreTax Law Newsletter of Aivar Pilv, Balčiūnas ir Grajauskas and Fogels, Vītols & Paipa
13.05.2015 LEADELLHereby we present you the latest issue of the Baltic law firms Aivar Pilv Law Office from Estonia, Balciunas & Grajauskas from Lithuania and Fogels Vitols & Paipa from Latvia co-written newsletter, which provides an overview of the latest changes in the tax law in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Read moreTax Law Newsletter of Aivar Pilv, Balčiūnas ir Grajauskas and Fogels, Vītols & Paipa
13.02.2015 LEADELLHereby we present you the latest issue of the Baltic law firms Aivar Pilv Law Office from Estonia, Balciunas & Grajauskas from Lithuania and Fogels Vitols & Paipa from Latvia co-written newsletter, which provides an overview of the latest changes in the tax law in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
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