Britta Oltjer giving lecture on new Public Procurement Act
In September the new Public Procurement Act entered into force in Estonia, accompanied by many significant changes and in the future probably also increase in procurement disputes.
On 11 October 2017 a seminar introducing the new Public Procurement Act is organised by training firm where among other procurement experts also partner and senior associate Britta Oltjer of the LEADELL Pilv Law Office is giving a lecture.
The new law is widening the regulation on changing procurement contracts. Questions which will be answered by Britta Oltjer during the seminar include:
- What has changed with regard to the regulation on the procurement contract amendments?
- In which cases and to what extent can the contracting authority amend procurement contract based on the new law?
- What are the rights of the tenderer to challenge the amendments presented by the contracting authority?
More information about the seminar (in Estonian):
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