Public Procurement Seminar 2016
On 12 October 2016 attorneys at law Britta Oltjer, Jaak Siim, Epp Lumiste and Anneli Aab will attend the Public Procurement Seminar 2016 taking place in Tallinn. Additionally Taivo Kivistik, Head of the Appeal Committee of Public Procurements and Veiko Pärlin, Head of the procurement department of Nordecon AS will give lectures at the seminar.
The subtitle of the seminar is „Public procurements into new era?“ and different topics arising from the new Public Procurement Act will be discussed. The presentations will cover the issues of changing a procurement contract, the essence of the definition ’redress’, overview of the appeal proceeding of procurements will be given as well as the court practice regarding criminal cases related to procurement proceedings, also the bottlenecks of the new legal act will be reviewed.
The programme of the conference and information about registration can be found here.
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