Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, partner of LEADELL Pilv Law Office in Estonia and an arbitration specialist will be a speaker at the TallinnArbitrationDay
Pirkka-Marja Põldvere, partner of LEADELL Pilv Law Office in Estonia and an arbitration specialist will be a speaker at the TallinnArbitrationDay Panel II. Catch Me If You Can: Default arbitration and other dilatory tactics. She would be discussing with colleagues from all over Europe what happens if a party chooses not to participate in the arbitration proceedings.
The international conference would take place already on 03.10.2024 and all lawyers handling dispute resolution one way or another are more than welcome to participate.
The conference is organised by the Estonian Arbitration Association. LEADELL Pilv Law Office, that is well known for its thorough experience in various disputeresolution cases, is a Silver sponsor.
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