Attorney-at-law Aivar Pilv at Estonian Bar’s Association panel discussion ,,Cooperation Between Generations at Law Offices’’
Attorneys-at-law and founders of different bureaus Aivar Pilv, Jüri Raidla and Aku Sorainen discussed about their experiences and what have they noticed about how younger colleagues have blended in the team and work process, but also about career challenges and goals as well expectations on younger colleagues at law firms.
It was jointly acknowledged by the attorneys who participated at the panel that active topics in the society such as age and gender wage gap is inconceivable at their law offices. Attorney’s salary clearly depends on the skills and input at work that are related to the profession of the colleague, not the gender or age. Participants considered that cooperation between different generations while developing mutual values and considering younger colleagues’ ideas and suggestions is extremely important but also important are values what balance the work of an attorney. With the development of IT in the work environment and flexible work opportunities at home offices it still has to be ensured that the client gets necessary legal service and gets it at the right time. The participants of the panel also said that despite the very intensive growth of artificial intelligence there would still be enough work-related challenges in the future to an attorney. But at the same time new technical solutions are making legal services more effective and faster for the client.
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