Invitation to seminar „Rent. Lease. Taxes“
On 16 June 2015 the Aivar Pilv Law Office in cooperation with the Raamatupidamisuudised is organising a seminar „Rent. Lease. Taxes“ where the lecturer is attorney-at-law and partner Jaak Siim of the Aivar Pilv Law Office.
Seminar is focusing on the tax issues related to the sale or rent of real estate. The tax issues related to the sale and rent or lease of an immovable property are continuously topical and in the attention of entrepreneurs as well as individuals. The tax exceptions applicable to immovable property establish the need for careful analysis in order to minimise the possible tax risk accompanying the deal. In a situation where the tax authority has informed that the taxation of rental and lease income shall be more carefully observed and as from 2015 the Estonian state has changed the previous standpoint regarding the taxation of residential property rent with VAT stating that the rent, lease and usufruct of the mentioned property is a tax-free turnover regardless of the function of the property, it is probably useful to gain and update the knowledge on this issue.
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